Radio, Television and Cinema - Department Information   
Language Turkish
Program Time (Year) 4
Max.Program Time (Year) 7
Program Quota 82
Extra Program Quota 7
Internships Status Absent
About Programme

Radio and television department is an field which is an investigating, teachıng and transfering to publıc ın order to improve taking advantage of modern technologies of radio and television programming, producing and broadcasting The technical structure of mass communication media, functions, camera and lighting techniques, audio recording and video editing techniques, audio-visual products,technical training with the process of production and broadcast of audio visual products at the same time the basic theories based on the communication science, interaction with the other sciences, professional ethics are courses of this field. It brings innovations the era of mass communication technologies, online communication with theoretical approaches combining the use of internet-based applications will be given at this department.

PROG. Director
Associate Prof.Dr. Seyhan AKSOY
ECTS and Erasmus Coordinator of the Department
Asist Prof.Dr. Duygu ÇELİKER SARAÇ
The Faculty of Communication started its activities by being published in the Official Gazette dated July 3, 2011, with the Council of Ministers Decision dated 15.06.2011 and numbered 2011/2018. The faculty admitted its first students to the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema in the 2016-2017 academic year. There are two departments in the program as Radio-Television Department and Cinema Department. The language of education is Turkish.
Qualification Awarded
Bachelor's Degree
Admission Requirements
Students are accepted to Süleyman Demirel University Radio, Television and Cinema Department according to the selection and placement procedures made by ÖSYM. The first registration procedures of those who have the right to enroll or are accepted to the program at the university are made by the Registrar's Office on the dates announced by ÖSYM or the University, in accordance with the provisions of the regulation. Since 2018, students have been admitted to the program based on the TS-2 score type, with the Verbal score type. The main problem in student admission is that the quota opened is much higher than the number sent from the department and university by the decision of the board.
Higher Grade Transition
The undergraduate diploma given by the Radio, Television and Cinema Department of Süleyman Demirel University provides all the necessary transition conditions for the students to apply for postgraduate education.
Graduation Requirements
Success criteria for student admission to the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema of Süleyman Demirel University, in-program proficiency and graduation conditions are clearly regulated by the OSYM-YÖK Süleyman Demirel University Rectorate. Graduation procedures in the program are clearly stated in the determined legislation. In order for a student to graduate from the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, he or she must complete all the compulsory courses and all the elective courses in the curriculum, complete 240 ECTS and fulfill the internship obligation (if any). The graduation procedures from the Radio, Television and Cinema Department are carried out by the Süleyman Demirel University Student Information System ( Students who are entitled to receive a diploma after successfully completing the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema are given a diploma supplement together with the diploma. The diploma supplement includes the names, contents, ECTS credits and standard diploma supplement information of all the courses that the student has taken during his education.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Süleyman Demirel University Radio, Television and Cinema Department students have mastered the content production and production processes in the fields of radio, television and cinema during their four-year education period; Students graduating from the program gain knowledge and skills in areas such as image, light, sound and script writing. In this direction, students can be employed in related fields by directly responding to the needs of the sector.
Assessment and Grading
The curriculum of the department has been designed in a structure that builds on each other since the first grade. Within this structure, it is planned that students complete their education by progressing through four different channels. In the curriculum focused on obtaining/learning theoretical and technical knowledge in the 1st and 2nd grades, the production dimension is more prominent in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th semesters. Students are expected to produce projects (short films, documentaries, television programs, radio programs, etc.) in which they can demonstrate their skills, intellectual background and creativity in the light of their previously acquired knowledge of technique, aesthetics and content production. In this direction, students should produce a television program of their choice within the scope of the "Radio and Television Applications I" course they took in the 7th semester; Within the scope of the "Radio and Television Applications II" course, documentary cinema, experimental film, etc. It is expected that they will choose any of the types and implement them within the knowledge, skills and competencies they have acquired throughout their education life. In the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th semesters, students continue to take theoretical courses that will support their production in the field they have chosen to specialize and will enable them to deepen in the field they have chosen. In this direction, at the end of each term, the projects realized within the scope of "Radio and Television Applications I-II" courses are watched, and the authority to give grades in the exam is only with one faculty member (project advisor), and the jury members can evaluate the projects by submitting their suggestions and opinions. In the project screening, which is open to the participation of students, the evaluations of the faculty members in the jury answer the extent to which the program objectives have been achieved in the context of content production, technique, aesthetics and production practices. In addition, in theoretical courses, research questions/projects and presentation assignments are given to encourage active participation of students in order to increase the efficiency of the courses. The communication technologies that students use in daily life are tried to be included in the teaching processes on the basis of mini assignments and applications. The evaluation form used in observing the level of providing the Program outputs on the basis of each theoretical and/or applied course is given in the table. The extent to which the course has achieved its expected goals is measured by course evaluation questionnaires. The results of these surveys are handled by the Department Board and necessary improvements are made.